November 22, 2023

Abiral Foundation Extends a Helping Hand to the People of Maui

Recognizing the urgency of the situation, the Abiral Foundation took swift action by donating to the Hawaii Community Foundation, a trusted organization with a track record of effectively channeling resources to support communities in need. This generous contribution served as a lifeline for the Maui residents affected by the disaster, providing them with immediate relief and the promise of a brighter future.
August 21, 2023

Love For Maui

It is heartbreaking to see the destruction caused by the wildfires on the island of Maui. It is important for us to come together and support as best as we can. Abiral Foundation is raising donations that will help make an impact. Once the funds are received, 100% of the proceeds will go to those affected by the fires, and will be sent directly to @hawaiicommunityfoundation. Thank you so much in advance for your contribution to this cause, it means so much to us. MAHALO NUI ♥️ ♥️
February 25, 2023

Education And Poverty In Nepal

Nepal is a landlocked country in South Asia with a population of around 27.8 million. The literacy rate in Nepal is about 61.3%. Nepal has made great strides in education in recent years. The number of schools and colleges have increased, and more students are enrolling in higher education. However, there are still many challenges that need to be addressed.
February 8, 2023

Abiral Los Angeles, The Journey Begins!

Abiral Foundation was founded with a simple goal in mind: to make a difference in the world. The founders, inspired by the needs of communities around the world, decided to use their skills and resources to create a non profit organization that would have a positive impact on people's lives.
January 16, 2023

Empowering Women Through Skills Training

Abiral Foundation believes that empowering women is essential in order to achieve gender equality and sustainable development. However, in many developing countries, women still face significant barriers to equal participation, especially in rural areas and agricultural activities. Based on these factors and circumstances, our team involves women in work training such as bee farming, and soil quality testing. These training courses, increase confidence and develop their knowledge and skills.  At the end of the courses, Abiral Foundation financially supports all the females participants in order to kickstart their own family business, which in time, will increase their monthly income. 
January 16, 2023

Empowering Girls Through Educational Support

We are working a remote area of Gorkha with limited access to education. While supporting many students for education we are more focus on providing good education support to girls so that they can contribute their family, society and country in economy also. Traditional gender roles and cultural attitudes discriminate against girls, and as a result, they have limited access to education. We tried to break this through our support to empower girls through education support.
January 16, 2023

Parents Support Program

Access to education is a fundamental right and is essential for the overall development of individuals and communities. However, in many developing countries, families struggle to afford the costs associated with education, such as tuition fees, uniforms, books and other school-related expenses. We provide the support to the parents under various model as described below, and till now 20 family are getting support under this program:
January 16, 2023

Warm Clothes and School Material Distribution

An aid distribution program was conducted at Gorkha 3 School of Birautra, Bhachhek and Opun providing educational aids, stationary, and warm clothing to 300 students. The aid distribution was organized by us with the support of our team in Nepal. The aid distribution program provided each student with a set of necessary stationary items including pens, pencils, notebooks, and textbooks. These materials will assist the students in their studies and help them to improve their academic performance. Additionally, the program also provided each student with a hoodie, a pair of trousers, gloves, and a cap to help them stay warm during the cold months.
January 16, 2023

ABIRAL Finally in Los Angeles!

Abiral Foundation was founded with a simple goal in mind: to make a difference in the world. The founders, inspired by the needs of communities around the world, decided to use their skills and resources to create a non profit organization that would have a positive impact on people's lives. After our team worked tirelessly to identify the most pressing needs, and after conducting research, speaking with the leaders, and listening to the people living in the community, we are excited to start our journey in Los Angeles.