Gorkha Health Posts Project

Gorkha Health Posts Project was successfully implemented to support he rural health post which are serving the people of village who don’t have the access to big/good hospitals. This project aimed to support local health centers in Gorkha that had closed because they lacked the means to test or care for COVID patients. As a result, many villagers who were traveling by foot for hours to seek care were returning home disappointed. Although we had originally planned to support only Bhachheck and Khimpo Health Posts, we also managed to support Keprung Birthing Center and a disabled community member. On behalf of the communities in Gorkha, we would like to express heartfelt gratitude for supporting this project.

Keprung Birthing Center: As we were planning our projects in Gorkha, Keprung Birthing Center requested our support because the center operated on bare minimum resources. The birthing center covers at least 6 surrounding villages- Keprung, Opun, Olang, Kharibot, Khimpo, and Sisne- and delivers 4-6 babies a month. Too good opportunity to pass, supporting the center was a promising investment in child and maternity health, that will facilitate safe childbirths and potentially save tens of lives in the future. The birthing center’s needs are still unfulfilled, and we are working with our partner organizations for further support.

Disabled Individual: A wheelchair, a commode chair, and an air mattress were provided to an individual who suffered from a broken spine in 2015 earthquake. We hope our simple gesture alleviated the individual’s daily struggles.