Jajarkot Health Camp

Our Thala, Jajarkot Health Camp, conducted and  resulted into quite propitious outcomes. We examined 600 Jajorkot residents (mostly who had never consulted specialists), gave away free medications and disseminated information about water sanitation and hygiene. With careful planning and collaboration with right organizations, we succeeded in delivering healthcare and health education to underprivileged families at minimal cost per capita of $2.85.

Our health camp team included Pasit Kandel, AHAA’s team leader in Nepal, Dr. Kumar San Shah (Gynecologist), Dr. Rupananda Adhikari (General medicine and surgeon), Dr Dinesh Kumar Chaudhary (ENT specialist), a senior health assistant, a pharmacist, and 6 volunteers. We would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to these health workers, PEAN, HRCRC Hospital, Jajarkot’s mayor Lal Bahadur Maharatra and all donors, without whom this health camp would not have been possible.

The completion of Jajarkot Health Camp leaves us with mixed feelings. While we are exuberant to have helped these underserved people, we realize that real underlying challenges they face- poverty, illiteracy, and underdeveloped infrastructure- are still intact. By collaborating with other organizations, we aspire to improve these upstream health determinates in the future.