Gorkha Health Posts Project
Gorkha Health Posts Project was successfully implemented to support he rural health post which are serving the people of village who don’t have the access to big/good hospitals. This project aimed to support local health centers in Gorkha that had closed because they lacked the means to test or care for COVID patients. As a result, many villagers who were traveling by foot for hours to seek care were returning home disappointed. Although we had originally planned to support only Bhachheck and Khimpo Health Posts, we also managed to support Keprung Birthing Center and a disabled community member. On behalf of the communities in Gorkha, we would like to express heartfelt gratitude for supporting this project.
Keprung Birthing Center: As we were planning our projects in Gorkha, Keprung Birthing Center requested our support because the center operated on bare minimum resources.
Chandrauta Eye Camp
Chandrauta Eye Camp organized in collaboration with Kapilvastu Lions Club and Narayani Eye Hospital, Bhadurgunj exceeded our expectations. On the first day of our mission, a staggering crowd of 817 people showed up for the general checkup, and despite working overtime, our clinical team was able to attend only 527 people. We caught 127 cataract cases, among which 4 were ineligible for surgery because they suffered from pterygium. Due to interference by complications- high blood pressure and high blood sugar- cataract surgeries for 43 cases were postponed to a later date for which we prepaid our partnering health facility. Another small fraction of eligible cases (8 people) either did not show up or refuted the surgery.
We performed a total of 115 cataract surgeries and screened 527 people for ophthalmological conditions, which included free medications and a follow-up visit for surgical cases.

Jajarkot Health Camp
Our Thala, Jajarkot Health Camp, conducted and resulted into quite propitious outcomes. We examined 600 Jajorkot residents (mostly who had never consulted specialists), gave away free medications and disseminated information about water sanitation and hygiene. With careful planning and collaboration with right organizations, we succeeded in delivering healthcare and health education to underprivileged families at minimal cost per capita of $2.85.
Our health camp team included Pasit Kandel, AHAA’s team leader in Nepal, Dr. Kumar San Shah (Gynecologist), Dr. Rupananda Adhikari (General medicine and surgeon), Dr Dinesh Kumar Chaudhary (ENT specialist), a senior health assistant, a pharmacist, and 6 volunteers. We would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to these health workers, PEAN, HRCRC Hospital, Jajarkot’s mayor Lal Bahadur Maharatra and all donors, without whom this health camp would not have been possible.
Ghusel Health Camp
Ghusel health camp covered health checkup/screening of 192 Ghusel residents, provide necessary medications for free to those in need and most importantly steer them towards path of healthier and more prosperous lives. Ghusel village is near to Kahtmandu but far from basic health facility. So, this camp was focus to screen the health issues in that village and provide the medication free of cost.
With the blessing of 192 resident’s health camp was for one day based on the requirement to cover the population of that village. Healthy people were not entertained for the checkup to save the time and effort during the camp.